Sunday, June 12, 2011


Summertime. Endless sunshine and water fights. Popsicles and sunscreen. Countless hours spent outside enjoying the breeze in the sun or the shade while reading a great book or talking with a good friend.

I did not know what to expect this summer. You see, usually, I go and have a great adventure, and this summer is different because I am experiencing normalcy or whatever that is. I am working two jobs, living at school, hanging out with friends, spending time with the Lord, volunteering at church, babysitting, cooking and taking care of a townhouse as a real adult and enjoying the sunshine. So far, it has been so much better than I ever dreamed. At first I thought I would be bored all the time and not have anything to fill up my time, but that has not been the case at all. One of my dear friends is my roommate and it is wonderful to have her here. We have already had several adventures together shopping at goodwill and going to a wonderful musical put on my a local theater group. There is also a very special young man in my life who is also on campus this summer and it has been great to grow and develop in that relationship also. One of my favorite parts of the summer so far has been spending time with the Lord. After a crazy school year (they always are) I was ready for a break and I needed some serious time just hanging out with God. Some people think that is crazy, but it is pretty normal for me. I love to go on walks or go to a park and journal and read the Bible or listen and sing worship music. I was unsure of how this summer would be and if I would be disciplined enough to spend time with Him, but it has not been something I feel like I should do. Instead, when life slows down like it does in the summer I am able to hear the still small voice so much better beckoning to me to come away with him, dismiss the business and worries of being human, and just be loved. Chai with the Lord . . . one of the best experiences ever.

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