Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bike Race etc.

So, I have done many things in the past week. Here you go:

  • Hosted a cookout for summer residents
  • Met with my cooperating teacher for student teaching
  • Hung out with a certain Matthew August's parents
  • Made cookies
  • Saw my aunt and uncle who I haven't seen in 5 years
  • Spent lots of wonderful time with the Lord
  • Didn't miss facebook
  • Found my newest favorite website (free crafts, yay)
  • Decided to stop spending money
  • Paid 3.69 for gas when it was 3.43 the day before
  • Volunteered at a bike race
  • Got bit by a very large spider which I accidentally squished on my hand . . .ew
  • Cut my own bangs
  • Made delicious cookies
Sometimes seeing family is such a nice reminder of the things you are good at and enjoy in life. When I am at school, I feel pulled in so many directions and I forget what I am good at and what I enjoy. Tonight I was reminded that I love music and that it is a huge part of my life even thought it often does not seem like it when I am at school. I think I may pick up flute again after I graduate. No matter where I am in life, I always want music to be there. The other thing I was reminded of is that I am good with kids and that I will be a good teacher. The past semester I have sincerely doubted my ability and even desire to teach. The classrooms I worked in seemed overwhelming and I really felt like I couldn't live up to the expectations forced upon me. However, I was reminded that teaching runs in the family and that it is something God has gifted me in when I use it in the right way. The problem occurs when I begin comparing myself to my classmates. I always think they are more confident in their teaching, that they know what they are doing, and that they are just better at teaching. None of that is true. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but it is amazing to see how my insecurities come out when I doubt. In reality, they all feel the same way I do, but we just keep comparing and competing. gross. 

This is why I started this blog. To share what I am learning and what God is teaching me. When I don't share things like this, I tend to forget them quickly or not accept them as fact, but when I write things down, I see the truth that I am learning and it takes permanence in my mind. 

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